This is a template portfolio for the students attending the BlueStamp Engineering program.
I am working on a video game emulator using retropie with custom modifications
Engineer | School | Area of Interest | Grade |
Jayson W | CHS | Mechanical Engineering and Software | Incoming Junior |
My final milestone was making a game to run on the Godot emulator on the RetroPie system. First I needed to figure out what I wanting to do with Godot, so I thought about it and settled on a base 2d rpg like game. I then looked through the Godot documentation and tutorials to familiarize and help me make this game. Then I had to make sprites for the enemy and for the player. And last, I added the code into the game. My first real problem I ran into was that when I exported the game to the Raspeberry Pi it always showed the player as a big black box. But I soon figured out that it was because the texture spritesheet for the player was too long, so I just compacted the image and fixed the issue.
My second milestone was implementing a Godot emulator to the RetroPie system. First I needed to get Wifi which I went through many solutions and yet still they didn’t work. For example, I thought the problem was that the Raspberry Pi could only connect to a 2.4 ghz Wifi network, but even that didn’t work. In the end, I just chose to go with an ethernet cable. After that I cloned the github with all the Godot emulator code into my RetroPie and tranferred a default game from Godot to the RetroPie.
My first milestone was getting the base project working. For seting up the Raspberry Pi, I added components like heatsinks and set up the SD card. Then I downloaded RetroPie, as apposed to Raspberry Pi OS since this is an emulator project. After downloading a Rasberry Pi Imager, I wrote the RetroPie software to the Raspberry Pi. Then I connected the Raspberry Pi to the monitor and plugged in all the power cords. After that, I booted up the system and connected my keyboard to the Raspberry Pi and then configured all the setting on the RetroPie to set up the emulator system (i.e. Raspi-Config, Audio, etc). After that I downloaded and transferred a ROM file from my computer to the RetroPie.